Stakeholder Engagement & Public Consultations

Latest Projects

Leanne Strathdee is an experienced facilitator and has a certificate in Public Participation from the

International Association of Public Participation (IAP2).

Landscape of Grand Pré Society

Strathdee & Company had the honour of being the consultant selected to work with the Landscape of Grand Pré Society to: develop a public consultation process; facilitate consultation sessions; and to prepare education and awareness materials.  These materials were developed for the local area residents and visitors about the history, culture and significant agricultural contribution of the farmers in this area, while respecting the importance of preserving the structural integrity of the dykes, and the farmers’ access to, and use of privately owned lands.

Hants County Community Access Network

Following the successful delivery of the marketing and communications plan and website, Hants County Community Access Network (HCCAN) the organization responsible for the delivery of rural transportation services in Hants County, re-engaged Strathdee&Co. to facilitate strategic planning sessions with its staff and board, and to develop a three-year strategic plan for the organization.

The deliverables for the strategic plan involved consultations with HCCAN staff and board, the development of a new mission and vision for the organization, and the establishment of core values, and strategic goals, objectives and action plans.

Specific areas of services and expertise


Business development

Strategic marketing & communications

Stakeholder engagement & public consultations

Issues management

Public awareness & education

Event hosting & management

Government relations

Launch / media events

Media relations