Landscape of Grand Pré Society

Strathdee & Company had the honour of being the consultant selected to work with the Landscape of Grand Pré Society to: develop a public consultation process; facilitate consultation sessions; and to prepare education and awareness materials. These materials were developed for the local area residents and visitors about the history, culture and significant agricultural contribution of the farmers in this area, while respecting the importance of preserving the structural integrity of the dykes, and the farmers’ access to, and use of privately owned lands.
The Landscape of Grand Pré Society had an immediate need to prepare clear and comprehensive public education and awareness materials for local residents, existing users and visitors to the area.
Strathdee&Co. completed this project and prepared the final report which included the following components:
- Consultations with stakeholders, and reflect all input in the deliverables
- Liaised with the ongoing Signage Implementation work of the Landscape of Grand Pré Society
- Prepared materials for the Landscape of Grand Pré public educational and awareness campaign
Prepared content for one brochure, and one poster and recommend content for the signage being planned. In this material the consultant will address:
- importance of the structural integrity of the dykes
- private ownership of the dykelands and of dykeland roads
- compatibility with, and safety in an active agricultural area
- anticipated / known effects of public traffic, pedestrians, vehicles and bicycles in an agricultural area
- suggested instructions of how the public must interact with the dykes and with dykeland roads
- Made recommendations on additional education and awareness opportunities
- Made recommendations on specific issues affecting current and future public use of the dykelands
In advance of developing the consultation process, the Project Working Group of the Landscape of Grand Pré Society was asked to complete a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, to highlight some of the issues (real or perceived) around the public recreational use of the dykelands. This information was then synthesized and aided in the development of the questions for the stakeholder consultations.
Strathdee&Co. proposed a consultation process that included a series of group and one-on-one consultations with a list of stakeholders who have direct or indirect connections with the Landscape of Grand Pré. Following approval of the Working Group, Leanne Strathdee (consultant) began the consultation process.